Wednesday 10 August 2011

One man and his dog...

Uncle Johnny had is first dog sitting duty today (while I was at work) looking after mad May's, mad mutt, Bella, and he loved it!

The man was in his element - bless his heart.. He was exactly how I am with my nephew Toby - all bright-eyed and animated. Lovely.

Naturally, he is a happy-go-lucky fella, but with a dog by his side he seemed on top of the world.

'Suddenly I realized - two people isn't enough. You need backup. If you're only two people, and someone drops off the edge, then you're on your own. Two isn't a large enough number. You need three at least.'

Maybe Marcus in About A Boy was right when he said that... he, of course, was talking about Sprogs and they're definitely out of the question - but what about a dog?

According to my nephew, Toby, it's already a given. We are getting a dog. And it's yellow. And it's called cake. I'm picturing John walking down the high street with budgie coloured toy dog pulling on a diamond encrusted fuchsia lead.

That's not his thing and certainly not mine too - so, if we're getting a dog it's not going to be drop-kick sized, yellow, and we will NOT be buying it ridiculous Paris Hiltonesque style clothes.

I haven't finished yet...It will not be spoken to like its a child (are you listening John) and nether will the beloved be allowed to sleep on the bed.

There is something very relaxing about having a dog, the country/beach walks before and after work, the jumping up with excitement to see you the moment you arrive home. It really is the simple things in life which bring you the greatest pleasures.

About a month ago we spent more than a week deciding on the breed we'd go for... Jack Russell, 'nope, you can still drop kick it', Beagle 'white hairs - would molt too much,' chocolate Labrador, 'too greedy.' Then my in-the-dog-know mother suggested a miniature Schnauzer. Initial thoughts were German, 'Mmm, definitely not'.

Typically, after never even noticing this breed in the space of just three days we see four. And they're cute, really cute (I prefer them ungroomed and shaggy, like J!'

Never seen one? Google them (my answer to anyone who asks you an irritating question you just don't know the answer to. 'Google it.' is just the and now answer to everything. How did we ever live without Google, it used to be Ask Jeeves - oh, how times have changed.

So back to the blog. We've decided the breed and the name - the whole process took ten long days. It was a momentous task and now I can appreciate why it took my sister and Mark two weeks' to pick the name Toby.

There was Humphrey, 'too pompous' Bertie 'I loved it, J wasn't so keen, Dudley, 'too Northern', Bobby, 'didn't sound right.' and Peggy 'sweet, but we wanted a boy'.' Smartie, had the answer. Yes, it was perfect, quirky and cute.

So Smartie it is... It's a given. We are getting a dog. Not yet though, Smartie's on our to do list - half way down, or half way up, whichever way you want to look at it... There's just a few things we have to do first .... travels, adventures and fun....

Follow me on Twitter @sammyemmamay

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